We can work for the Kingdom of God in our world today. When we decide to serve God, we become agents of his redemptive and saving work. No job is too big or too small for the people of God accomplish when God empowers them. 

We believe serving is an important part of growing in our relationship with God and with others. There are many ways to serve at Faith UMC, and we'd love to have you join a team today. 

If you're uncertain about how you can best serve, take this online spiritual gifts assessment to get a clearer picture of how you may be able to use your strengths to make a difference. Or if you just need a refresher about what spiritual gifts there are, click here

Nursery Worker

In the nursery, you would be responsible for the care of children aged birth-3years. The commitment is for 75 minutes once a month. If this is something you'd enjoy, contact Amanda Seiter, our nursery coordinator. 

Preschool Worker

As a preschool worker, you'd be responsible for the care and education for our children aged 3-4. The commitment may include some teaching responsibilities. You will be scheduled for 75 minutes once a month. If this is something you'd like to do, contact Judy Ringler, who is temporarily assisting in reshaping our children's ministry.

Small Group Leader

If you enjoy getting people to "come out of their shell," and gathering folks together for healthy (and fun) conversation, then being a small group leader may be a great way for you to serve. We're looking for folks who are compassionate, organized, and interested in growing their faith. As a small group leader, you will be committing to approximately 3-5 hours each week for the length of your group. If you'd like to serve in this way, or if you'd like to learn more about small group ministries, contact Deb Lyon, our Director of Discipleship. 


Greeters are the people that guests see and interact with first, so this role requires someone who is approachable, cheerful, personable, and thoughtful. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to be an extrovert, but it does mean that you are willing to help guests feel at home at Faith UMC during their time with us. Greeters typically are "on duty" for 75 minutes once a month. If this is something you'd like, contact Nancy Edwards, our Director of Hospitality. 


Ushers are an extension of our hospitality ministry. They carry the welcoming environment of the lobby into the worship center. They help worshipers feel comfortable and safe during the worship experience. They also assist in the flow of worship by receiving the offering and assisting with the sacraments. Ushers also serve as the safety team at Faith. Ushers typically are "on duty" for 75 minutes once a month. If this is something you'd like, contact Mike Cline our Lead Usher. 

Website Editor

We are looking for a person interested in online communication. We'll provide the training, you provide the passion. Each week our website needs general maintenance and updates, so that we provide a meaningful online presence. The Website Editor will need to have good writing skills and have access to a computer. This position may require 2-5 hours each week of volunteer work. Contact Connie Cutlip if you'd be interested in this position. 

Worship Service Host

​Worship service hosts assist in leading worship on Sunday mornings. In a traditional setting, you may have heard this position referred to as "liturgist." It's something like that, though more involved. As a Worship Host, you'll help transition between announcements and songs, lead prayers and liturgies, and tell stories of how our faith community is engaging God. This would require 1-2 hours of service once a month. If you'd like to learn more about this or you would like to become a Worship Host, contact Judy Ringler, our Worship Representative on the Leadership Team. 

Instrumentalist or Vocalist

Our praise band is constantly looking for more and new talent to add to our worship team. If you can play an instrument or can sing, we'd love to talk to you about the possibility of being a member of the worship team. Contact Laurie Bedocs, our Director of Worship. 

Sound Tech

No band is effective without a great sound tech. Maybe you've had an interest in music but can't play an instrument or sing, being a sound tech is a great way to contribute to the great music on Sunday mornings. We'll train you, so don't be intimidated by the knobs and buttons! We ask sound techs to serve for 2-3 hours each week, because we encourage them to be a part of the band practice. However, if you'd like to sign up for the traditional worship experience, the time commitment would be less. Contact Laurie Bedocs, our Director of Worship. 

Media Tech

The Media Tech helps ensure that worshipers can participate in the worship experience. The Media Tech is responsible for the digital displays (slides, music lyrics, etc) during worship. As a Media Tech, you would not be responsible for creating the content, just making sure you're on the right slide at the right time! We'll provide the training for this position. We ask media techs to serve for 2-3 hours each week, because we encourage them to be a part of the band practice. However, if you'd like to sign up for the traditional worship experience, the time commitment would be less. Contact Rick Crowl, our Media Director. 

Youth Ministry Worker

Our Youth Group only meets once/month, on the fourth Sunday of the month, so this need is limited. However, we do provide an off-site after-school ministry for junior high students at Crestview Middle School. We are looking for assistants for this ministry to help lead a small group of middle school students. If you'd like to be a part of this, contact Amanda Seiter.

Worship Set Up

Each week a group of folks set up chairs in the gym on Saturday for worship on Sunday. This takes 1-2 hours, depending on the group (and depending on how much chatting takes place!), and we only ask each person to serve one week a month. If this is something you'd like to do, contact Ken Boyce

Grounds Keeping

Every year Faith UMC is looking for folks willing to bring their mowing equipment and mow around the building and property. Though we have 30 acres, we only mow a fraction of that, since the outdoorsmen farm the rest. We are also look for folks who would be willing to tend to a portion of a flowerbed - and you have permission to be creative! If you'd like to be on the mowing team or the landscaping team, contact Dave or Marj Pond

Creative Arts

We are trying to make our worship experience more multi-sensory and more creative, because we believe creativity helps worshipers connect more meaningfully with our Creator. If you believe yourself to be a creative person (musically, drama/acting, writing, painting, drawing, photography, etc.) please get in touch with Laurie Bedocs

Visitation Ministries

Caring for each other is a biblical responsibility, and we are working to take it more seriously. Faith UMC is always looking for folks to visit the sick, check in on the lonely, follow up with the shut-ins, and look after the elderly. This would be on an "as needed" basis. If you'd like to offer your presence and availability to the visitation team, contact Connie Oswalt, our Director of Congregational Care. 

Didn't see anything that "fits" you? Shoot us an email or give us a call (419.895.1011) and we'll help. 

God Works Through Us to Redeem