Our faith journeys are a series of next steps. It's how we grow; we must continue to move forward on this journey, or we'll become complacent or stuck in the past. At Faith Church, we offer a variety of "next steps" to our worshipers, below are a few options, though not an exhaustive list. It's our hope that you will begin your journey somewhere and decide to take a next step. 

Receiving the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ is what begins our journey in the faith. It's a process of recognizing our need for redemption and working to turn from that which was damaging to our bodies, minds, and spirits toward that which is godly. 


Baptism is a public declaration of God's redeeming work in your life. It's one of the ways that God chooses to work mysteriously through the power of the Holy Spirit to continue to work in and through you. We celebrate the sacrament of baptism a couple times each year.


Membership is a follow up of our baptism and a response to God's work in our lives through the local church. Membership in the local church calls us into deeper community and deeper commitment for the work of God in and through God's church.


Serving others is a sign of maturity. It's a Christian response to the needs that exist in our world, and Christ followers commit to set the needs of ourselves aside and put the needs of others first. We have several opportunities to serve at Faith UMC. 


Giving is one way that we can contribute to what God is doing through the ministries of the local church. When we give, we are signaling our trust and faith in God - that he will use our resources to transform the world for Christ's sake. 

Practical Next Steps